AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Tests
6 Practice Tests | 390 unique, high-quality practice test questions with explanations

These practice tests will help prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass the exam with ease. There are 390 unique questions. There are six practice exams with 65 questions each, and each set of practice exams includes questions from all domains of the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.
It is recommended that you have gained theoretical and hands-on understanding of AWS services requirements for the exam.
These are the highest quality practice tests for the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam. These practice tests will help prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass the exam with ease. There are six practice exams with 65 questions each, and each set of practice exams includes questions from all domains of the exam.
There are 390 unique questions. All practice questions are added to reflect the difficulty of the real AWS exam. We recommend re-taking these practice tests until you consistently score 80% or higher – that’s when you’re ready to take the exam and achieve an excellent score! All questions have been written from scratch!
Anyone preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.