AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Practice Tests
5 Practice Tests | 325 unique high-quality practice test questions with answers

These practice tests will help prepare you thoroughly for the real exam so that you get to pass the exam with ease. There are 325 unique questions. There are five practice exams with 65 questions each, and each set of practice exams includes questions from all domains.
It is recommended that you have gained theoretical and hands-on understanding of AWS services requirements for the exam.
These practice tests are designed to closely simulate the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam experience. They offer thorough preparation by covering all exam domains, with five practice exams containing 65 questions each, for a total of 325 unique questions. The difficulty level of the questions is intended to reflect the real exam. For best results, we recommend re-taking these practice tests until you consistently score 80% or higher, indicating that you're well-prepared for the actual exam. All questions have been independently created.
Anyone preparing for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Associate exam.